Brighton & Hove City Council
Housing Management Panel: West Hove & Portslade Area
6.30pm14 June 2023
Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall
Present: |
Councillors: Baghoth, Czolak, Grimshaw, Helliwell, Hewitt, Nann and Pumm
Representatives: Roy Crowhurst (Chair, Woods House Residents Association), Graham Dawes (Philip Court Residents Association), Pat Weller (Knoll Community Association) and Muriel Briault (North Portslade Residents Association)
Officers: Sam Warren (Community Engagement Manager), Justine Harris (Head of Tenancy Services), Jan Dowdell (Tenancy Services Operations Manager), Martin Reid (Assistant Director Housing Management), Grant Ritchie (Head of Housing Repairs & Maintenance), Rob Keelan (Housing Manager), Hannah Barker (Senior Community Engagement Officer) and Emma Thomson (Democratic Services Officer)
Guests: Sarah Booker-Lewis (Local Democracy Reporter)
1 Ratification of Councillor Co-Chair
1.1 The item was deferred to the next quarter as the new terms of reference had not yet been agreed.
2 Welcome, apologies & introductions
2.1 Cllr Peter Atkinson, Ann Tizzard (Knoll Community Association), Joe Macrae (North
Portslade Residents Association) and Alison Gray (Clarendon and Ellen Residents Association) sent apologies.
3 Minutes and actions of the previous meeting
3.1 RESOLVED: The minutes from the 14th December 2022 and 15th February 2023 were agreed as a correct record.
3.2 With regards to action WAO1, Graham Dawes advised the response was inadequate, therefore Martin Reid advised he would follow up with Graham separately.
3.3 In relation to action WAO2, Justine Harris provided a further verbal update as Graham Dawes stated the response was inadequate. Martin Reid also advised he would meet with Graham Dawes to discuss issues on his estate/ recurring issues raised at Panel.
3.4 Justine Harris agreed to visit Muriel Briault in relation to issues raised at Valley Road.
3.5 RESOLVED: Subject to the above comments, the actions were agreed as completed.
4 Ward Boundary Changes and the Impact on Area Panel Membership
4.1 Justine Harris provided a verbal update on the recent ward boundary changes.
4.2 Roy Crowhurst queried if the changes impacted the parliamentary areas.
5 Residents Questions
Void Properties Refurbishment Policy
5.1 The response was deemed satisfactory by residents.
Street Sweeping and Health & Safety
5.2 The response was deemed satisfactory by residents.
Improving Monitoring and Co-ordination of Estate Walks
5.3 The response was deemed satisfactory by residents.
Records of Housing Repairs
5.4 The response was deemed satisfactory by residents.
Working with residents: What does consultation mean?
5.5 The response was deemed satisfactory by residents.
6 Social Housing Bill Presentation
6.1 The Assistant Director Housing Management, Martin Reid, introduced the presentation which provided an update on changes to regulations and commitments of the government’s Social Housing Bill.
6.2 Pat Weller raised questions regarding cladding on new flat developments.
6.3 Roy Crowhurst raised questions regarding the complaints procedure, implications for contractors and if there would be changes to the Ombudsman process.
6.4 Cllr Nann queried if the bill applied to those living in temporary accommodation.
7 Housing Committee Workplan Progress Update and Housing Performance Q4 22/23
7.1 The Assistant Director Housing Management, Martin Reid, provided a verbal update on the progress of the Housing Committee Workplan and housing performance for quarter 4 2022/23.
7.2 Pat Weller sought clarification on the 94% of tenancies sustained.
8 Any Other Business
8.1 There was none.
The meeting concluded at 8.10pm